Reply to post: Re: 372 miles

California to try tackling drought with canal-top solar panels


Re: 372 miles

Pick a unit system and be a dick about it. That kwh/kgal figure is an abomination!

Many years ago, I worked on fire-control software for a US Navy project. It had a bunch of different input devices: INS (3D heading/velocity, location), Sonar (for ground speed), Wind speed/direction, Odometer ticks (also for ground speed), Temperature, and so on) as well as a bunch of data input by the operator (starting lat/long/elev, barometric pressure, and whatnot). Absolutely everything was in metric except for one internal value that was calculated based on various inputs: air density was in slugs/m^3. I asked why, and was told that's just the way it's done in the US Navy.

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