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Amazon has repackaged surveillance capitalism as reality TV

MachDiamond Silver badge

"I saw this crap 10 years ago. Ae people stupid or what?"

Sorta. Concepts such as critical thinking, technology, science, etc are not being taught in schools. People are being shown the exciting superficial uses for something and don't think about it any further than that top level. This is why so many people have their entire lives on their phone when it's a very insecure device to store not just financial data, but the access to their money/credit. They don't stop to ask themselves why they need to have their retirement account information on their phone for immediate retrieval. They been sold on how convenient it is if they want to make changes at the spur of the moment to "take advantage of quickly moving targets of opportunity".

I've seen this sort of thing going back well more than 10 years. It's just become far more insidious and varied given the power of the internet and the devices we take for granted. People are well trained to sacrifice privacy and security for convenience. Just look at all of the gadgets on EV's. I see most of them as points of expensive failure when the warranty has run out. I don't find a flush mounted door handle as such an improvement that when it fails some years down the road and I have to crawl through from the other side of the car while I wait to get repairs or a replacement to want them. The aerodynamic difference is so slight that it makes little improvement, but it's really cool, right? Right up to the point where it's frozen shut one winter's morning and you have to put the kettle on to be able to unfreeze it. Like you have the time to spend when you may already wind up being late for work due to the state of the roads.

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