Reply to post: Re: Wind and solar

Japan reverses course on post-Fukushima nuclear ban


Re: Wind and solar

Some cats may be better at taking down bats than others. Many years ago, I saw a cat regularly get them:

Situation was a suburban area: 2 houses with a driveway between them. A streetlight was near the end of the driveway (where it met the street). Each house has a front porch, with railing.

Bats would fly between the houses, above the driveway, and then up, into the light of the (mercury vapor, so you know it was a while ago) streetlight, which would attract a halo of flying insects (aka bat fuel).

Cat would sit on the porch railing, watching between the houses for the next bat sortie. When the bat was in range, the cat would leap from the railing, catch the bat, land, and head under the porch for a leisurely meal.

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