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Google Maps, search results to point women to actual abortion providers

VoiceOfTruth Silver badge

I will debate this one point with you very briefly, but it holds in general for my views on religion.

The bible is a collection of texts written by various unknown people a long time ago and over a long time period. It was gathered into an "authorised" edition based on the biases and thoughts and wishes of certain self-elected people. Just take Mark's gospel as one example. It was attributed a long time ago by unknown people to a man called Mark. In this day and age we cannot even be sure of the attribution of some works of art from less than 100 years ago, but such a simple point is lost on people who "believe" in the bible.

Based on the collection of anonymous authors and in many cases anonymous compilers and translators of the bible, certain food is considered unclean to all God's children (whoever they are). If you wish to follow this practice that is your prerogative. But don't preach it to me.

While I recognise the idea of good deeds and treating people well, that is not an inherently Christian or even religious concept. Quite a few of the un-Christians who refer to the "Good Book" supported kidnapping and enslaving people, finding justification for their heinous crimes in "scripture". My ethics are better than theirs. And I don't need to set myself up a member of some self-elected priestly caste to state it.

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