Reply to post: Re: Doesn't sound like espionage

Apple autonomous car engineer pleads guilty to stealing trade secrets

Falmari Silver badge

Re: Doesn't sound like espionage

@Erik Beall "Doesn't sound like espionage"

Sure he was just taking the stuff below on a flight to china for a well deserved holiday. As they were looking a little jaded.

"FBI found engineering schematics, technical reference manuals, and technical reports identified as belonging to Apple, including, specifically, a "25-page pdf document containing electrical schematics for one of the circuit boards that form Apple's proprietary infrastructure technology for the Project."

BTW do engineers also take circuit boards home with them.

"After another interview with both the FBI and Apple, and after handing in his wife's laptop for forensic examination, along with a Linux server and two circuit boards he'd "admitted to taking from Apple," "

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