Reply to post: Re: Technology Perspective

NASA builds for keeps: Voyager mission still going after 45 years

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Technology Perspective

Yep, Christianity is a totally schizophrenic bipolar religion: Half of the Bible is full of authoritarian, vengeful and aggressive messages, and the other half says, well, the exact opposite. Go figure.

It's a big "pick whatever suits you" free buffet, justifying bloody religion wars, inquisition, witch burning, brutal conversion of cheap local labor "infidels", and all the other happy lucky crimes committed in the name of Christianity in those last 2000 years.

So don't get so self-righteous about it, you might not be like them, but they did act in the name of that same religion. Some humility might suit you well.

Signed: A Christian.

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