Reply to post: Re: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who insisted...

Apple to compel workers to spend '3 days a week' in the office

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who insisted...

"Haven't heard any of the CEOs pushing the back to the office line explain yet how hours spent commuting every day make you more productive, as opposed to more tired and irritable."

If you look at the cost of living and traffic near Apple's HQ, you can easily see why people don't want to go back to the office, even if it does look like aliens have landed. Apple could save tremendous amounts of money and staff could have a much better quality of life if they re-located to many offices around the US. We are long past the time when it was important to communications to have everybody in one building or at least on one campus. Accounts payable and marketing can be on opposite sides of the country or even in different countries without any complications. R&D might be better off not in the same building as sales so leaks about new products are minimized. They can code key the doors, but people mingle.

If I were to take a job with a large company for the stability (imagined), the salary and benefits, I'd be so much happier not expected to live in or around one of the world's largest cities. My salary, even if less, could stretch much further and I would be in a position to have purchased home home much earlier.

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