Reply to post: I went cold-turkey on MS Office in 2016

LibreOffice improves Microsoft compatibility with version 7.4

Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

I went cold-turkey on MS Office in 2016

and don't regret it. In 2015, I decided that I would not pay any MS tithe once I retired.

Now it is Linux all the way.

I use a 2015 vintage 15in MacBook pro (bought secondhand). It used to run CentOS but now run Alma Linux.

Libre Office does everything I need.

Since 2016, I've written well over 1.5 Million words in Writer and submitted over 100 stories to Amazon Kindle with no issues.

I accept that for some (as in very few) power users LO is not up to the job but for 99% of the rest of us it is fine.

YMMV naturally.

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