Reply to post: Re: $2/kwh is a lot of money

Tesla expands Powerwall-to-grid program to cover most of California

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: $2/kwh is a lot of money

And as I’ve said elsewhere, storage does not have to be a battery. There are other ways to achieve that effect without mounds of short lived Li-Ion batteries.

Mid scale pumped or mass storage systems in the 500kW to 5MW generating capacity range; times 400 substations would offer a massive boost to the strategic and tactical planning of the system.

Wind has a place but when 50% base load is coming from gas, we clearly can’t rely on wind alone and it would be dumb to do so. Wind plus storage will work - but you have to build the damn thing. Current rules don’t allow the TO or DNO to do it!!

Offshore wind is popular with Tories because planning permission doesn’t lose you elections. Bills of 5k, on the other hand. That will lose elections. And not before time.

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