Reply to post: Re: Green lunacy

Nuclear power is the climate superhero too nervous to wear its cape

adam 40 Silver badge

Re: Green lunacy

If you consider heating, and by that I think you mean things like heat pumps (but also storage heaters, immersion heaters etc) maybe what we should be doing is using the relatively large thermal mass of what we are heating, for storage?

If we make the heating appliances clever, so they turn off when there's a demand event (such as kettles on at half time) then we can smooth out the peaks with little loss of utility.

Maybe what we need is some intelligent end-end dynamic price setting, so end users can choose what they want to pay for a certain level of utility, and over that price, they automatically don't get it. For example, for 16C in my home I'll pay 25p/kWh, but for 22C I'll only pay 7p/kWh. So I get a warmer house when it's cheaper.

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