Reply to post: Re: Deaths are not the only metric

Nuclear power is the climate superhero too nervous to wear its cape

jmch Silver badge

Re: Deaths are not the only metric

"Solar. Wave. Geothermal. Wind. Hydro.

It's significantly cheaper overall, even when storage is included."

That might be the case, but there is still not enough of it, and can't be enough of it without covering a huge %age of land under them. Not sure if the 'cheaper' includes subsidies as well. Either way the more that are built (on the optimal brownfield sites), the more costly they will become, because of shortage of wasteland to build them on (so having to build them on greenfield sites or more expensive industrial land), and shortages of raw materials.

the only one of those that might do the trick is Geothermal, if current advances in deep drilling technology reach a major breakthrough.

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