Reply to post: Re: Wake me up when they repeal Amdah's law

Intel finally takes the hint on software optimization

Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge

Re: Wake me up when they repeal Amdah's law

It doesn't have to reach the arithmetic level. Conquer-and-divide libraries are getting easier to use. Java's ForkJoin system is a complete clusterfck for I/O but it works well for maximizing multi-core efficiency with minimal coding.

I'd rank bad code and bad configuration as still being the #1 limit to performance. Those giant staffing/contractor pools have their own special coding style that performs 10x to 10000x slower than it should while being completely obfuscated to normal humans. When somebody with more security checkboxes than security knowledge touches a system you can count on it losing another 20% to 90% of its performance on top of that.

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