Reply to post: Re: Amazing... But also a bit stupid

Why the end of Optane is bad news for all IT

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: Amazing... But also a bit stupid

>1. If you have, say, a terabyte of non-volatile RAM, why do you need disks or paging at all?

This is just an argument about the benefits of large memory, which was being exploited decades back with in-memory DB's as the price of RAM fell and motherboards became capable of supporting large amounts of memory.

For this to be an argument in favour of Optane, Optane would need to be available in 1TB modules say, but priced to compete with 8~16GB RAM modules, so system builder would actually fit 1TB and not 16GB+250GB SSD.

As for the point about why you need disks - are you totally happy for your bank to only keep the details of your account in an Optane module. Which brings up another potential limitation of Optane - redundancy. Whilst I can easily replicate transactions between systems, to allow the sorts of duplication provided by SANs (or Tandem non-stop computers) would require some workarounds.

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