Reply to post: To doctor or not to doctor...

Major IT outage forces UK emergency call handlers to use 'pen and paper'


To doctor or not to doctor...

Publication Pulse Today said yesterday a letter from NHS England's regional team warned General Practitioners – doctors – in London ....

Sorry, but "doctors" are people who have PhDs, and I suppose we all are not looking forward to being treated by a doctor in <fill in your personal favorite non-medical discipline>.

With that definition, and considering the El Reg commentards, we have some here who would be qualified to give you that prostate check up...

Then again, "title creep" seems to be wide spread. Even dictionaries seem confused...


noun [ C ]

mainly US or formal /fɪˈzɪʃ.ən/

(UK usually doctor)

a medical doctor, especially one who has general skill and is not a surgeon

The latter addressed correctly as "mister" and not "doctor" of course...

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