Reply to post: Re: I am calling bullshit on this

Pull jet fuel from thin air? We can do that, say scientists

John Brown (no body) Silver badge

Re: I am calling bullshit on this

And also on the up side, even if initially they can only replace a small percentage of jet fuel, it's a start. There's already some biofuel usage, but that takes from food crop space. There's also that German testing which seems to show placing double sided solar panels mounted vertically in a north/south line is almost as efficient as the "traditional" mounting of solar panels but retains spacing for planting and harvesting between them giving true dual use of the land, more so than just using a solar farm for grazing sheep.

I wonder what the rules are regarding the enormous amounts of open grassland there is inside the perimeter fence of an airport? Some will have to be there for emergencies, but I bet there's still a lot of space, eg between taxiways etc that could be used for solar panels.

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