Reply to post: Re: ambiguous

Psst … Want to buy a used IBM Selectric? No questions asked

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Re: ambiguous

Maybe the ideal setup would be a sandwich -- two Selectrics with a computer in between.

No, the ideal setup would be one Selectric with a computer in-between.

Think of the possibilities. Most of the time, this would act as a buffer, and the typewriter would print what you type, as you type it. Occasionally (say, randomly, when a carriage return happens), you could have it insert an extra line of text:

"Help me, I'm trapped inside the typewriter".

That sort of thing.

You could probably achieve this fairly simply, using a Raspberry Pi Pico, a few jumper leads, a soldering iron, and a few hundred lines of Python (or C if you're a "Real Programmer" *).

*This is entirely to troll the Python programmers, just because it's fun. I'd probably implement this in Python if I could be bothered, and had a Selectric typewriter to hand.

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