Reply to post: Re: Waste of money

I paid for it, that makes it mine. Doesn’t it? No – and it never did

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Waste of money

Channel 5 did give us Lexx; but that is about it. I was interviewed on some obscure theme park documentary on the channel maybe 20 years ago too.

The dilution of TV air time and advertising is also a major factor in revenues. Ironically, a few well crafted and curated channels rather than channel spam might be a practical future for broadcast.

For everything else, the money is “in” streaming. I hear people talking about have you seen series X all the time. And quite frankly I simply cannot be arsed. Babylon 5 pioneered telling a story over 4 series; and did it in an entertaining manner.

The new normal is to drip feed perhaps one line of plot every episode with 40 minutes of “what happened last week”. See Attack on Titan for possibly the worst example of that. But it’s very present on vanilla shows too. Hence I CBA!

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