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A character catastrophe for a joker working his last day

ChrisC Silver badge

Ugh, flashbacks to my degree years - our second year hardware project was ready for demonstrating to the lecturer, in he strolls, looks at the results we'd already taken, says something like "let's have a look at the rising edge on such and such a signal", picks up the scope probes, pokes the wrong part of the circuit, and promptly lets out the magic smoke from one of the 4 parallel switching channels required for the circuit to achieve the specified performance target...

Still, at least he didn't then try to weasel out of owning his mistake - based on the results we'd gathered up to that point, plus the results we were still able to get from the remaining 3 channels that were unaffected, he marked the project as if it'd been a complete success. And TBH, what he taught us that day about not letting senior-but-less-technical people anywhere near your creations (unless you're trying to work out what needs to be done to make them more idiot-proof) was probably as valuable a lesson as anything we learned in the lecture theatres.

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