Reply to post: Re: "As a result of unseasonal temperatures in the region"

Google, Oracle cloud servers wilt in UK heatwave, take down websites

Peter Gathercole Silver badge

Re: "As a result of unseasonal temperatures in the region"

It's actually worse than just them trimming to the lowest spec, their pricing is set so it is only just on the surface cheaper than on-prem. provision (and even then, I think that a number of organizations are eyeing their cloud bills with some consternation, trying to identify the savings they were promised).

Once you factor in designing the service to be multi-zone, the affordability equation changes quite markedly.

I know. You should be making services site failure tolerant anyway, but if you control the complete infrastructure from building, plant and infrastructure, you have a better way of ensuring that you adequately spec. the installation.

What was the Azure story a few weeks back? MS had a problem in one region where they could keep existing load running, but could not spin up new images that were not already executing? What would happen if you were muti-zone, or even multi-cloud, and your fallback resided in that affected zone? Think you could spin up your backup zone with no resource?

Service designers have been lured into thinking that there is always spare capacity in the cloud. Recent events seem to suggest that this is not the case, and the cloud is actually finite! Whodathunkit!

The cloud is just another person's computer (and one where you have no say in how it's installed).

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