Reply to post: IF the GUBBERMENT Doesn't give us money we we we will go to EUROPE... and show you... Yeah Yeah Yeah

Intel’s CEO shouldn’t be surprised America can’t get CHIPS Act together


IF the GUBBERMENT Doesn't give us money we we we will go to EUROPE... and show you... Yeah Yeah Yeah

Intel, not the company of NOYCE, MOORE, or GROVE, is now a carnival barker or tent revival camp meet'in... gold tooff grifter.

This is truly pathetic. What next, the throwing off of crutches and Intel Execs doing the Chicken Waltz across the stage for JYSUS?

The primary metaphor is sick. Look no further than the OBAMA BATTERY FACTORY GIVE a WAY extravaganza... Startups took Billions and not one battery was built not one battery factory was built. But but but it was going to bring the Battery world to the USA. The USA was going to lead the way in Batteries from mean ole CHINA.

Now we play the Biden Loop... FAB FACTORIES for Free... This will show CHINA and KOREA... Everyone will be coming to the USA and especially INTEL for FAB. After all why wouldn't a fabless designer give INTEL its drawing and technical designs? Not to mention that INTEL folded on its 10nm Fab. Oh but but but that was different. All those ills will be fixed by building FAB in Ohio.

Who is going to buy these new OHIO FAB chips? NOBODY. They will have no market in Asia at all. Why? The US might sanction US FAB chips from being sold in ASIA.. Isn't that the lynchpin of this crazy US protectionist scheme and sanctions? Newsflash, if you can't sell Chips to Asia, they will sit on a shelf in Ohio and ROT.

The protectionist arguments are dumb as Trump. It is the legerdemain that division of labour means DEPENDENCE and if the US was dependent some other country might deploy the same Nancy Kerrigan Foreign Policy kneecapping sanctions against the USA. Oh, how awful that would be... So the US needs to make its own FAB and its own overpriced batteries, and its own overpriced solar cells, and it's own overpriced [Fill in the Blank.]

Division of labour is a form of detente. You have to get along with others to make it work. That is not the US-style. The US form of business is victim to executioner. The fact that the US controls ASML sales and INTEL sales and Qualcomm sales and ARM sales and yet doesn't or can't make anything themselves is amusing. But it gets more amusing as the US pushes China and other Asian Countries into this quasi US RACE WAR. After all, isn't it really the Anglosphere vs Asia.

What happens to Taiwan once the US no longer needs TSCM fab? Say goodbye to the Biden Claim that US forces will land to defend Taiwan. Taiwan would have no more value to the US demigod. Just as ASML will have no more meaning to the US, once China develops its own EUV FAB or some carbon-based technology.

Here is the problem protectionist and it is simple to grasp. China is the largest buyer and user of semiconductors. If you can't sell your chips in China or Asia because they COULD be sanctioned from China by the US... you have no sales. Right now while you are screaming about narrow gated fab, China is focused on the other 95% of the chip market and now can roughly provide 80% of its own needs in that regard. While Biden and INTEL and the protectionists are raising a fuss over 5% of the market.

The US is going to lose this, just like they lost Steel, textiles, and Chemicals, consumer electronics, cameras, electric cars, and autos to Asia. Asia has no UNIONS. OHIO by the way is NOT A RIGHT TO WORK STATE.... so FAB will never work in Ohio. Fab is highly manpower-dependent. Joe loves UNIONs so maybe INTEL FAB will be run by high-quality UNION workers left over from the UAW when FORD left for Mexico and China.

Protectionism is essentially raising the white flag that you can no longer compete. Karl Lagerfeld put it more succinctly, “Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life so you bought some sweatpants.” YOU LOST YOUR CONTROL SO YOU BEGGED THE GOV TO BUY YOU A FAB PLANT in Union-controlled OHIO...

Throw off those crutches and do the INTEL Chicken DANCE!

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