Reply to post: Re: "Dawn Raid Manual"

Leaked Uber docs reveal frequent use of 'kill switch' to deactivate tech, thwart investigators

John Brown (no body) Silver badge

Re: "Dawn Raid Manual"

"Unless lawmakers passed laws that made it illegal and applied it retroactively. Which happens all the time."

That's actually pretty rare, possibly never, in terms of making something illegal. In most civilised and democratic countries[*], new laws are not enacted overnight, they usually come with a significant notice period, especially if it's one which introduces a regulatory framework or change to a regulatory framework, so that those businesses affected have time to adapt to it. The few laws which may be retroactively are usually laws with make some legal that was previously illegal and occasionally people previously criminalised in the past may be pardoned.

[*] I suppose I should exclude much of the US in light of the "trigger laws" abruptly enacted by the Roe V Wade decision. But even there, the laws were well publicised in advance such that people and organisations where aware of what might happen and have contingency plans in place. Even those laws neither came out of the blue nor are retroactive (so far as I'm aware)

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