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America's chip land has another potential shortage: Electronics engineers


I hope it's have no relation to unpaid internships, demanding high skill from people who can not secure even entry level possition becouse of not being "star" graduate with 100500 GPA.

If being serious EE is hard and even low score in exams take time and a lot of effort. Not dropping is itself takes nerve. May be I'm not fully relevant with my hidden disability but I have studied 10 years reading books, studied math again and agan, retaking exams. Am I star? no. Have I understand processes and schematics? Solid "Yes", but being realistic, years passes and I loose my qualification. Can I get a job to grow as a specialist? Absolutely no. Even if I found company who would talk to me, I can not afford neither unpaid internship on other the other side of the world, nor minimum wage (on the other side of the world). Can I maintain and grow my qualification at home? Ridiculous question, with no means "No", especially with no guarantee that I eventually will be paid for knowing all this intersting but incredible complex stuff. Also, there are no way to build out of the blue any practical case that is any relevant to fabs or industry a whole.

Now I'm heading to custom tailoring, if anyone in inustry needs me — dm me (

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