Reply to post: EEeek! vs CSfreak: Et tu ISA?

America's chip land has another potential shortage: Electronics engineers


EEeek! vs CSfreak: Et tu ISA?

As a mid/late 1970's CS major, I took a couple EE courses. In one, making two 8008s talk over a serial line (hmmm not much more in Moore's law at that point, so ugly was expected).

As time progressed for work 8086/88 -> 80186 -> 80286 -> 80386 (asm then C). // Here I learned to wonder if said EE uglyness could be out marketed by ANYONE with a sense of orthogonal design in order to lower the suicide threshold of poor assembler coders, like me.

...Lots of interactions at the asm & C levels with lots of interesting 1980's CPU technology...Yea 68000!

Early/mid 90's, I noticed that Intel had bought the IP of a dead (local to me in Connecticut?) VLIW server maker // Too many runtime dependancies to make this practical?

Intel via HP goes to 64-bit and a fresh start...Bring in the CS people....Hmmm Itanium.

OK between the "let's just keep pasting more transistors onto the 80xxx!" EE abomination, and the CS excesses of the Itanium ("I'm sure the compiler can make this work"), can one ever win?


With Dennard Scaling dead && Moore's Law on life support, perhaps I should just throw up my ARMs and move to Apple Silicon.

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