Reply to post: Re: I like 7Zip.

Misguided call for a 7-Zip boycott brings attention to FOSS archiving tools

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Re: I like 7Zip.

The behaviour of the Russian* government/military may be despicable but it should not justify xenophobia (or worse) against individuals who happen to by born of that country.

Absolutely correct. I'd be horrified if someone tried to blame me for the behaviour of my country's leaders, and I'm pretty sure there are plenty of left-pondian readers here who feel the same about theirs (and the SCOTUS).

We should always be careful to separate the actions of a country's leaders from the desires of its people. No doubt Putin has managed to whip up at least a portion of his subjects* into a frenzy through the use of captive media, such that a lot of them may even believe that the invasion of Ukraine is justified. At the end of the day, though, it's not those people's fault that they were lied to. Exactly the same argument goes for other abominations elsewhere, such as brexit, US gun laws, and so on (and before anyone supporting those things jumps on and tries to start a "discussion" on them, you know who you are, and I've no interest in re-hashing the same bullshit again today).

*an elected dictatorship has subjects, not citizens.

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