Reply to post: I'd love to!

Tropical island paradise ponders tax-free 'Digital Nomad Visa'


I'd love to!

All I need is a passport, plane tickets (1st class natch!), and a fekton of cash to spend getting used to the area so I can then spend said funds doing touristy things. Restaurants, looking for a decent/cheap place to stay, determining what form of daily transportation I'll require for my needs, etc.

"But it's entirely digital, you don't need to actualy LIVE here!" Yes I do. I require (cough) much tropical sun, sandy beaches, salt water soakings, & fruity drinks delivered by nummy local nymphs as I "recouperate" on the beach, laptop on a stand beside me beneath a beach umbrella (do I have to, y'know, turn it ON?), and a good book to help me take long, recouperative naps in a climate more condusive to my mental health. =-D

Seriously, I'd love to move there. The weather is a dream, the cost of living reasonable, & except for the odd natural disaster, I could envision myself having a rather nice retirement there. Too bad I'm poor & couldn't afford to *swim* there much less fly there. *Comical pout*

A houseboat, a sheltered cove, & a hammock sounds like heaven...

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