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First steps into the world of thought leadership: What could go wrong?


Recruiters on LinkedIn "You have the skills for the role I'm recruiting for at a salary of X, but we're a bit concerned about how often you change jobs"

Me: I'm a contractor, so not interested in your salary. I sign up to do a project, finish it, and then move on

Then of course you get the sales bods who see you're a company director. Translation in parentheses.

"We want to connect (Sell to!) with business leaders (anyone) such as yourself and help them strengthen their brand (we sell snake oil, but call it brand recognition or social media optimisation or some such shite).

and then the "INfluencers"

"Please tell us how we can help you"

Me: stop spamming me

And that's before you get to the "I work 9-5, I'm 21 years old and have 3 kids, 5 houses and 8 cars and you can too!", "I had 10 cars yesterday but I gave 2 to homeless people I met on the way to work" and the CONSTANT virtue signalling.

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