Reply to post: Re: We Have an Acceptable Option

Fusion won't avert need for climate change 'sacrifice', says nuclear energy expert

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: We Have an Acceptable Option

"Modern fission plants burn almost all their fuel "

Not even close. It's less than 10% before the fuel is too contaminated to be used. The Uranium pellets also start to break up mechanically from gas production as one of the decay chains. (Xenon, I think).

LFTR might do a much better job. MoX fuel is only useable in a few plants, many in France. It isn't used in the US since reprocessing was banned for a while and nobody was going to take it on when it became unbanned since no reactors were built to take is and the politician might decide to ban it again.

Fusion is still "20 years away".

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