Reply to post: We can do better than 8.3 these days, can't we?

Know the difference between a bin and /bin unless you want a new doorstop

that one in the corner Silver badge

We can do better than 8.3 these days, can't we?

I can not understand why people are still using 3-or-fewer characters for their "new" file types. Especially as I had the impression that the number of us who remember being bound by the 8.3 limits (outside of some rare, probably embedded, cases) are the now minority.

My personal hatred is the use of .md for Markdown (and I know who I blame for that monstrosity).

John Gruber would support .markdown - - whillst I very much like the (and I wish I could find the original suggestion, but you just try Googling for it these days) using .markdown.txt - that's right, take *TWO* file extensions into the shower? Yes please!

Give someone the file fred.markdown.txt and *everyone* can click on it and read it - anyone who knows what Markdown is can use their viewer of choice and everyone else just some sees it in Notepad (other simple text editors are available). Just the way that Markdown was intended to work (ref Mr Gruber).

But, no, of course, .md is uniquely Markdown, no-one ever wanted to use GCC Machine Definitions and anyone who ever wants to read their old MuseData musical scores should Simply Know Better.

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