Reply to post: EF50 & British Radar

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EF50 & British Radar

A couple of issues regarding the Phillips section of the story. I don't believe it was the Chain Home radar system that the EF50 was needed for.

Instead it was the development of the early airborne radar systems for night fighters that required the EF50. You can't put a 60m antenna on an aircraft so the move to a much smaller physical size for airborne radar needed a frequency of around 200Mhz (Chain Home worked on 20-50 Mhz). It was also then used on the later AMES Type 2 radar that filled in the gaps between the main Chain Home stations and the subsequent GCI radar systems that largely replaced Chain Home.

Also the board of Phillips was evacuated (along with a big bag of diamonds) on board HMS Windsor, which was an 1100t W Class destroyer - definitely not a battleship. The consignment of 25,000 completed EF50 tubes along with components and toolling equipment travelled more prosaically on a cross channel ferry.

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