Reply to post: Re: It gets more fun...

Record players make comeback with Ikea, others pitching tricked-out turntables

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: It gets more fun...

Clue is in the name "HiFi", it means 'High Fidelity', I.E. true to the original.

If your equipment is altering the sound from the original to make it sound nice to your ears then, by the very definition, it's not HiFi.

So, all the BS about 'Vinyl sounds warmer', 'Valves give warmth', 'annealing fuses in the excrement of the Cuban greater funnel-eared bat to expand the sound stage' etc. etc. is just nonsense.

You might as well just buy yourself a graphic equaliser with lots of flashing lights and make pretty shapes with the sliders.

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