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No more fossil fuel or nukes? In the future we will generate power with magic dust

bombastic bob Silver badge

understanding "non-algebraic but looks looks it COULD be algebra" math notation can be a real bother. Often I do not have time to take 2 years' worth of classes nor 8 hours' of online frustration searches to understand what it means, but if I try and put myself into the mindset of the people that use this kind of math (like statisticians, for example) that SOMETIMES I can "get" what they are doing well enough to create a computer program that analyzes data "that way". Last time I did that was with some averaging method that was being used for ocean wave analysis when suddenly realized that their equations were actually expression values in terms of data sets and the equations that described them, then doing algebra and whatnot wiih equations instead of variables. Then it was like "OK then I guess THIS is what they're doing" and some pretty good results emerged.

Similarly for the quantum computing math, at least I hope so.

Seriously we DO need a "Hello, World?" example.

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