Reply to post: Re: Choosing to choose

I love the Linux desktop, but that doesn't mean I don't see its problems all too well

Loyal Commenter Silver badge

Re: Choosing to choose

I think the root of the problem here isn't necessarily the underlying OS, but capitalism. It's capitalism that drives Microsoft to make those breaking changes so they can sell more training.

Linux is not really a capitalist enterprise, in the sense that it is not done for money. This is good in some ways, but if you're a capitalist yourself, it doesn't necessarily fit in with your mindset or way of working, so it's a bit like mixing oil and water. Hence why a market for various flavours of Linux support exists, although arguably, there is no real need for such a thing.

The fundamental problem here is that capitalism is "the best worst system we have". Personally, the way I see it, the way to rein in its worst excesses are via regulation, and then you have a workable compromise. Then you realise that anyone who starts ranting about "cutting red tape" is a full-on far-right Rayndian neoliberal nutjob.

I wandered a little off-topic there, but... discuss...

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