Reply to post: Do they really?

I love the Linux desktop, but that doesn't mean I don't see its problems all too well

LionelB Silver badge

Do they really?

"But that's not what Linux desktop fans want. They want Windows crushed and bleeding underneath the Linux juggernaut."

Infantile straw man. I'd certainly count myself a Linux desktop fan - it's my OS of choice for work and home - but I could not possibly care less whether it "crushes" Windows or not.

For what it's worth, I seriously doubt any desktop OS ever becomes mainstream until it is routinely delivered preinstalled on mainstream hardware - like Windows, Mac OS, Chromebook, Android, iOS, ... This is simply because users have no motivation to change OS (even assuming they are aware that the option exists, which most users probably aren't). And indeed, why would they change? They know what they're getting, and are familiar (if not happy) with it.

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