Reply to post: Re: Would ground/plane based laser be effective ?

Starlink's success in Ukraine amplifies interest in anti-satellite weapons

hoola Silver badge

Re: Would ground/plane based laser be effective ?

And this is exactly why anti-satellite attacks are such a problem. The only way it currently works is if the country (organisation) launching the anti-satellite attack has nothing in the same orbit.

We would very quickly reach a point where the orbits became unusable due to the amount of debris as even small pieces become hugely destructive.

Then we get into a vicious cycle of satellites being put up quickly and cheaply to survive a short term in orbit before themselves become part of the debris field.

Yes the LEO debris will eventually decay into the atmosphere but not at a rate that would make the orbit safely usable after a few attacks.

So with currently technology, it is probably self-defeating except as far as we know, Russia does not have the equivalent of Starlink so they have nothing to lose. It all depends what else is vulnerable in the same orbit.

As far as I am aware there is not currently viable lasers that can reach LEO and EMP is a bit out of Goldeneye.

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