Reply to post: Re: And then there's the law enforcement side.

Dear Europe, here again are the reasons why scanning devices for unlawful files is not going to fly

yetanotheraoc Silver badge

Re: And then there's the law enforcement side.

"utterly useless"

If everything you wrote is true, this only proves that, when law enforcement says they need these tools to stop child pornographers, they are _lying_. Give them the tools to gather information, they use the tools to gather information, and then they don't use the information for the stated purpose. This per your example.

Okay cool, give them more privacy-busting tools, more information, more more more. Guess what, they will _never_ use it to prosecute the child pornographers. Because if they would, then they would have already. As for why they do not / will not use it to prosecute the child pornographers, I can only guess, but let me say all my guesses reflect very poorly on the individuals in law enforcement.

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