Reply to post: Re: Control Your Own Upgrades

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Control Your Own Upgrades


Guessing, there aren't any older Nvidia proprietary graphic cards in any of the machines running Ubuntu 22.04 then. (I'm not blaming Ubuntu here).

Nvidia's approach to Linux, almost feels like it has the backing of Microsoft, to make Linux seem as unstable as possible to the end-user/consumer, when it would otherwise be rock solid without their crap unsupported drivers installed.

There are so many decent second hand laptops and desktops (macbooks and iMacs from the 2010 -2015 era), with a (still) capable Nvidia graphics card, but no stable proprietary linux drivers, machines that would otherise make the perfect linux desktop setup. Not forgetting, this is landfill crud to Apple, so should be the prime target of Linux distros, to increase the install base.

Linux should really go after Apple's older now condemned Intel userbase, that should be one of it's target audience, as these machines drop off Apple's support timeline.

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