Reply to post: Thank the lord

When management went nuclear on an innocent software engineer

Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

Thank the lord

for log books....

From a previous job:

Morning arrived as I did at work... scene of destruction arriving at one machining cell... its dead and going to take some time to sort out ..... mangler of the day is having a rage fit blaming me for the foul up since I built the setup/programmed the machine the day before...

But it was a new fangled machine with a PC type control... and I knew about the logging function and howto download the machine logs to a PC.....

Dragged to a meeting later to sort out how much to yell at me for the expensive failure took a rather different turn than expected when I reported the highlights of the log analysis

15.33 Switch to full auto run

19.00 switch to single(this is for the regular QC check)

19.15 back to full auto

02.30 switch to single

02.45 full auto


Something happened during the night shift.....

Further analysis shows that someone made an adjustment and typed 21.01 into a setting table then hit the start button at 02.45

Then at 02.47 they typed 210.1 into the same setting table before turning the power breaker off.......

The "Blame Boris" meeting went very quiet.

I did suggest that I have a meeting with the night shift guy who tried to cover his tracks in the office with the dodgy window catch above the cunningly positioned running wood chipper.... sadly manglement vetoed that idea.... after a surprisingly long think about it ...

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