Reply to post: Re: nice story

When management went nuclear on an innocent software engineer

Potemkine! Silver badge

Re: nice story

Now, I feel nuclear power is really unsafe :( Maybe this is also what happened in RL to french EDF, with its fleet of nearly 32 out of 58 reactors out of the grid ...

Then you're wrong. Nuclear reactors are watched very carefully. If 32 out 58 EDF's reactors are out of the grid, this is because they are in planned maintenance.

The main problem is having relied for a long time on existing reactors without building new ones. The result is there: many reactors are ageing and require heavy maintenance, and no new ones were built to cover this, not even mentioning the need of covering new usages. There was so much anti-nuclear brainwashing by the so-called "Greens", so many newsfeed propagating the propaganda, so few educational efforts that now France has to reopen coal power stations which are an ecological disaster to compensate.

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