Reply to post: Re: FreeBSD is the best all round UNIX today

FreeBSD 13.1 is out for everything from PowerPC to x86-64

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: FreeBSD is the best all round UNIX today

I'm not aware that Xorg requires you to be in the wheel group, at least not from half a year ago when I last updated my ports. VirtualBox requires you be in 'operator' as I recall, and there are a few other things like wireshark that have group membership requirements. (Linux typically has some similar things like that)

But... THAT brings up one o the best features of FreeBSD: You can NOT su to root unless you are a member of wheel (gid 0). So, I typically do everything (including running 'startx') as a user NOT a member of wheel. This means I must su to a user that IS in wheel, then to root (2 step process) but if your system is ever compromised by an application running in your user context, it would be that much more difficult to gain root access.

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