Reply to post: About the word 'distro'

FreeBSD 13.1 is out for everything from PowerPC to x86-64


About the word 'distro'

The word distro as used in the Linux world is not entirely applicable to the BSD space.

With Linux there are a bunch of people working on a kernel and only on a kernel. Completely separate companies and teams then take that kernel, take stuff from other companies and projects, develop some stuff themselves and pack it all neatly together as a distro. That distro is then a full OS.

That separation doesn't exist with FreeBSD. The same people that work on the kernel also work on the rest of the base OS. FreeBSD is a whole OS, not just a kernel. Imagine if Linus Torvalds and team would create their own distro on top of the kernel and release it themselves. This is some times considered one of the benefits of the BSDs versus the various Linux distros as everything fits together much better because it was all designed by the same people with the same goal. Not everyone would notice this (straight away or ever) but I suppose the deeper you dig into the workings of FreeBSD vs a Linux distro the more you'd notice.

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