Reply to post: An apology

Canada bans Huawei and ZTE from 5G networks, citing national security risks

Barry Rueger

An apology

Please believe that many intelligent Canadians are deeply embarrassed that the Justin Trudeau government is still clinging to this absurd relic of the Trump era.

Most of us understand that Huawei is no more or less dangerous than any other tech company, and that arguably American companies are as much of a threat as the Chinese. I have yet to see anything in the press where Canada, or anyone else, has actually demonstrated a defined action on Huawei's part.

Canada's wireless industry is an embarrassment, with prices in the stratosphere and services in the gutter. With the entire infrastructure and retail end controlled by a cabal of three companies there's no incentive for competition, and the government has shown no interest in regulating them for the good of ordinary people.

Finally, in the interests of transparency, my Huawei phone is hands down the best tech that I've bought in a decade, and I'm in no rush to retire it any time soon.

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