Reply to post: Re: Annnnd can we

AMD claims its GPUs beat Nvidia on performance per dollar

Binraider Silver badge

Re: Annnnd can we

While I'm not going to sit here and do all those comparisons myself unpaid, I can confirm that Doom Eternal works perfectly via Proton with no noticeable performance differences on a 5700XT at better than 1080P res.

Linux Native, or at very least Proton compatibility is now a criteria for me buying a title. Yes, that means I miss out on a bunch of stuff. Usually the mass-market crud "AAA" games that usually have no appeal whatsoever to anyone with the attention span longer than a goldfish. So, no great loss.

I make a point of messaging developers to ask for native ports. With Vulkan going the direction it is, there is little excuse not to do a native release now.

Steamdeck may also help the case.

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