Reply to post: Re: The curse of overchoice

The sad state of Linux desktop diversity: 21 environments, just 2 designs


Re: The curse of overchoice

Is this whole shabang just trollbait? ...

It's not really hard

Not sure what distro to use try a whole bunch

Don't like any contribute to one add a request ... fork it make it one you do like or build it from scratch and make it your own .... or or just stick with windows and leave it at that....

Iv'e run a nginx server and a mongo db on a pi zero over wi-fi no window manager just a cmd line and it worked... and i don't work as an IT professional.

The flip side is you can play games on ms ... aint that why consoles exist...

I have never managed to do anything meaningfull with ms products and won't even consider it ever again. If all you are after is a fancey desktop buy a mac ... ffs whats the issue here really ...

People bitch about the duopely then bitch about being spoilt for

And if you can't install a live thumb drive and preview a distro become a gardener ... really ?

Mind you that explains why alot of IT is so bad (some of .gov has been in beta for over 3 years and is being used as product)

This article is so anal it should come with rubber beads and an anorack

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