Reply to post: what about "Exposé" or multiple desktops ?

The sad state of Linux desktop diversity: 21 environments, just 2 designs

Zolko Silver badge

what about "Exposé" or multiple desktops ?

I don't use a taskbar because it takes space, I use a "show all windows" button in a small dedicated top panel. Or middle-mouse button on the desktop I also use "Exposé" or whatever it was called in the window manager. None of these existed in Win95 or MacOS.

I also use a left-panel dock (because large screen, top or bottom is the wrong space), again, Win95 and MacOS didn't have that. This panel is closer to what I had on HPUX and CDE, but left instead of centered-bottom.

I also use desktop widgets to show CPU usage and network traffic, didn't exist in Win95 and MacOS either.

My file manager (Dolphin) has a split-windows view mode like MidnightCommander, and tabs like ... nothing else. Admittedly, mixing split-view and tabs is a bad idea because you never know where you are.

My desktop has multiple desktops, like CDE, nothing that Win95 or MacOS had to offer.

My desktop has use for 3 buttons, where a click with the center button pastes the selected text, Unix-like, nothing that either MacOS (1 button) or Win95 (2 buttons) had to offer.

All-in-all, MY desktop doesn't look like anything Win95 or MacOS has to offer. Very bad article, the author should get out more often.

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