Reply to post: Re: And nothing much will change for 95% of companies

Lawyers say changes to UK data law will make life harder for international businesses

codejunky Silver badge

Re: And nothing much will change for 95% of companies


"It will likely pan out as a classic case of the Brussels effect, UK companies doing international business will still have to adhere to GDPR standards. Only UK companies that target the UK alone"

Didnt need the extra text after that. The domestic market is a real thing. I have no idea what the UK gov will do and expect they will probably cock up somehow, but if they water down rules we dont care about and dont want to apply domestically it would be a great boost domestically while those dealing with the EU will need to follow EU rules, Amazingly that is the norm when dealing with any country, we dont domestically apply Chinese law just because we want to trade with them.

Fingers crossed the gov do an overall good job

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