Reply to post: Re: Ethnicity

Confirmation dialog Groundhog Day: I click OK and it keeps coming back

ThatOne Silver badge

Re: Ethnicity

> The number of people who will actually read the dialogue is inversely proportional to its length

But directly proportional to its gravity. The spammy annoying messages like "You've just saved, do you want to save again?!" won't get read, but if your program freezes and you're about to lose hours of work (and potentially your job), chances are you'll read the error message like a holy tenet.

Of course there are the entitled and the stupid who will rip out the power cord and throw the computer out of the window, expecting their tantrum to scare destiny to fix everything, but most people will have a good look at it (as soon as their hearts start beating again).

At this point, some intelligible explanation on why the roof caved in would be welcome, something more helpful than a random, nondescript, generic message. It being funny doesn't help any BTW. If there was a time for the developer to brag, this is definitely not it...

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