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Confirmation dialog Groundhog Day: I click OK and it keeps coming back

F. Frederick Skitty Silver badge

Heh, confirmation dialogs. At $newJob they gave me a Windows laptop that's so locked down I can't install the tools I need to develop with it. So I'm using my personal Linux machine, but thanks to Teams on Linux[1] not having video or screen sharing I still have to use the laptop for meetings.

So yesterday I'm on a call, and a dialog box pops up in the lower right of the screen. Says I need to reboot for "critical updates", and the only way to close the dialog box is to click the sole "OK" button. Cue a spontaneous reboot in the middle of my call.

This and other Windows usability issues makes me wonder how people put up with this crap. Perhaps if you've only eaten sh*t sandwiches your whole life you think they taste nice and can't imagine anything better?

[1] Apparently it did at some point and then MS removed the functionality in an update!?!

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