Reply to post: Re: A little bit confused...

RAD Basic – the Visual Basic 7 that never was – releases third alpha

Pirate Dave Silver badge

Re: A little bit confused... is VB that has taken a poison pill of Java. I can only speak for myself, but when it came out 20 years ago, I looked at it, and didn't see anything compelling enough to it to warrant learning Microsoft's "new" VB syntax and way of doing things, and un-learning several years worth of classic VB. At the time, VB6 would still install and run fine on Win2k and XP, so I had no reason to change. By the time Server 2012 came out, I'd gotten enough of a toehold in Powershell that I rarely ever used VB6 anymore unless I needed a tool with a GUI (before I learned how to do a GUI with Powershell). And, if memory serves (it's been 10 years now), you had to stand on your head to get the VB6 IDE to run properly in 2012 - it was aggravating enough that I eventually gave up and just kept a Win2k VM handy with VB6 loaded.

That's my story, there should be others.

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