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Logging and monitoring can be a form of bullying, and make for lousy infosec

bombastic bob Silver badge

bullying takes many forms. the WORST form involves actual violence. The most IRRITATING form (In My Bombastic Opinion) is "passive aggressive". In all cases it is one person or group of people unethically imposing their will to control others in some manner. it is the CONTROL part that is at the center of it.

The article brought up many things that I was rapidly nodding my head in the vertical direction over. Fear leads to CONTROL by those in authority, like a knee jerk reaction. It is the LACK of trust that drives it. It is also the WRONG direction to take, since imposing KGB-like surveillance is ONLY going to anger nearly everyone who is subjected to it and create unnecessary stress in the work place (or wherever it is implemented),. And, ii motivates people to "just circumvent".

(maybe that's why we like reading about Simon the BOFH, who regularly "bullies them back")

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