Reply to post: Re: Zzzzzz....

Pop!_OS 22.04: New kid on the Ubuntu block starting to show real muscle

VoiceOfTruth Silver badge

Re: Zzzzzz....

-> Plus the same tired old half dozen or so actual applications that every other fecking distro has.

To me the Linux desktop distros are a bit like the UK high street. They might have a different coat of paint, but basically they have the same shops everywhere: Caffe Nero, Starbucks, the same mobile phone shops, Evans cycle shops, ...

Yes, a distro may have prettier icons. But after a few seconds that novelty wears off and I actually want to get stuff done. Then I'm in the same LibreOffice as every other distro.

I did give Pop!_OS a pass as they do at least offer hardware too.

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